Orders are now being taken for 10 Week Olds Pullets ready for collection from 1st May 2025

At 10 Weeks they have gone from a Chick Starter feed to a grower pellet from 7 weeks old. They will stay on this until 17 weeks. They have been outside during the day, for 3-4 weeks depending on the weather, and gone back inside at night. They can fully fend for themselves, but not when predators are around and need to be locked up inside a coop at night to roost. Perches need to be available.

 They will stay like this until 17 weeks old and then at 17 weeks their feed is changed to a layer feed. Either Layers Mash or Layers Pellets, the choice is yours. We always feed Pellets as we find too much wastage with the mash unless it is made into a porridge form daily. 

Access to clean fresh water is a much for healthy hens. 

 My Grandmother always used to feed mash in the morning with the cooked left-over scraps from the kitchen the day before.  

We can supply Grower Pellets for your Pullets up to 17 weeks of age. 

E-mail us with any enquiries you may have in regardes to 10 week old pullets.